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First Date Do's and Don'ts

Here are some tips a man should do on the first date:

  1. Confirm the time you're meeting.
    Make sure to call or send her a text early that day to remind her what time you're going to meet.

  2. Be on time and always wait for your date in front of the venue.
    Especially if you’re meeting for the first time, you don’t wanna walk into the restaurant, coffee shop, or whatever place you want to meet, trying to look around, scanning the room and trying to find the person that you’re on a date with. So, always suggest meeting on the front, that way, you guys can greet, hug, and get comfortable and walk in together.

  3. Give her a hug.
    Once you meet your date for the first time, don’t give her an awkward handshake, instead give her a nice firm quick hug.

  4. Ladies first!
    Always let the female order the food or order the drink first. Don’t order for her because some women are independent and they don’t like it. So, let her order and then you order. And that goes to opening the door and letting the lady walk into the door first.

  5. Don’t talk too much about yourself.
    Focus on her and ask more things about her. Always read her signs if she’s tune-in to your conversation.

  6. Don't let her pay!
    Always cover the bill on the first date even she offers, don’t let her pay. Just thank her and tell her that you appreciate the offer and maybe you'll let her cover it next time.

  7. Be a gentleman.
    At the end of the day, always walk her to her car like a gentleman. Make sure that she’s safe once she get into the car.

  8. Don’t expect a kiss on the first date.
    She might be gauging you or feeling you out. So, having the first date may not yet be the right time to go on for a kiss. So, maybe you can save it on the second date or third date.

  9. Avoid noisy places.
    If you’re choosing a place, make sure is not so loud or if there is live music going on. Obviously, you can’t hear the other person talking and you may not have a good conversation.

  10. Don’t do dinner date as first date.
    Do something quick, fun and easy like coffee, tea, a walk around, so that you have enough time to know that person.

Article source: Vanae (https://www.facebook.com/vstarsss)

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