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A well dressed, clean, and neat young man with a youthful looking suit is obscured in shadows with just enough light visible on his face to betray his emotions, telling a story of a tortured soul in some kind of dilemma, uncomfortable, troubled, and perhaps even confused. Distress is evident in every action he takes, whether seated with an outstretched arm over the sofa, sitting erect with his hands gripping each other, or leaning forward with one hand grasping his neck with his head turned. The pose combined with the knitted eyebrows, tight-lips and tense facial muscles create a stern expression of a troubled spirit, obviously in a state of discomfort and bothered by some internal turmoil that cannot let him rest. As if mirroring his soul, dark shadows envelop him, leaving him in a world devoid of hope and light.

Photographer: KEVIN CAYUCA
Assisted by : BILLY CUEVAS
Hair & Styling: IWA AJINOMOTO

A blue-tinged light floods the room, painting a spirit of unease in its only inhabitant. Although well dressed, he seeks to anesthetize his being in liquor and nicotine, perhaps hoping that he can somehow forget for just a time the angst that fills his being. At first, he seems to be trying to relax with one outstretched leg, one arm limply leaning on the table, and the other arm helplessly on his lap. On his face there are no stress lines or stern brows, yet in his eyes there is a distant focus that seems to reach beyond the wall that he sees, in some place in his mind where his being seems to be residing. With a bottle in his hand, he seems to be finally opening up the anesthetic that has remained on the table beside him until now, at the moment that he has decided he will no longer wait, evidently ready to attempt to drown his spirit in a land of forgetfulness. A cigarette is pulled to his face as his distressed soul continues to unsuccessfully deal with his thoughts, finally resting his head in his hand as he sucks on the cigarette that he consumes.

Lines etch their way between and over the knitted brow of a bow-tied bartender, standing before his assorted wall of bottles that each promise to help people forget and transport themselves to another place. A wine bottle in his hand, he looks into the distance, with an overhead light unable to brighten his dark and lonely eyes, eyes that are obscured by the light, hopeless and sad eyes that expose the tortured spirit within. Sucking on a cigarette, his downcast face obscures most of his eyes and facial features, and yet his emotions are transparent, betrayed by two subtle lines between his dark brows, and an almost imperceptible look at his eyes that are fixed and distant. Leaning forward, he holds his head in his hand, resting on the bar, again with a focus that is somewhere in another world, a focus in a place that is distressing, hopeless, sad, and lonely. Eventually he raises his head and yet he leans on the bar still with hands folded and his head turned to the side, as if unable to face the present, focused somewhere on the past, in a place in his mind that consumes every moment.

A colored light reveals the blues in a dazed spirit. A double exposure makes evident a lack of focus and perhaps a lack of balance that is also shown in as he begins to lean to the side. Unsmiling yet with no stern lines on his face, he has a distant focus in hishas a face that is untroubled yet not happy either, with a look that would perhaps make us wonder about his sobriety. The blue hazy light and soft focus lacks the crisp detail that one might expect in an image of someone with clarity of mind, somehow telling by these things that his mind is clouded, as if in a haze. The low angles of light and the hazy focus are as of dawn, and the rail at his side reveal that is ascending a staircase. Perhaps he is just making his way home after a night that has left him in an eneriated state.

Walking along a corridor, the bright light of a new day strikes the rumpled suit of a men with his head turned to the side, one shoulder lower than the other, with an unsmiling and downcast face focused on the floor. This action and position indicates a lack of balance and a depressed spirit with angles of light as seen in the early hours of the day. Seated, his face almost totally obscured in shadow, an upraised hand seems to be shading his eyes from the light of the day, with just enough detail to reveal eyes focused on us. Perhaps the light of the day is too bright, but one does wonder if the shadow on his face is concealing the headache from the hangover of the night before.

A bright light illuminates a wild-eyed, determined and hateful expression of a man charged with emotions, with a threatening expression as of a tiger about to pounce on its prey. In the next image, the same look at the hateful expression is from another angle in the room, a look at a smouldering spirit of a man with a mission, unafraid of the light, evidently calculating in his mind how he will go about conquering and defeating.

The Phantom Critic does not accept or charge any money for his critiques, including the critiques provided for Hangover. The Phantom Critic is a showcase for photographers, models, makeup artists, designers, musicians, painters, writers & other artists designed to gain exposure and recognition for their inspiring art & talent. The Phantom Critic is a free site and no fees are charged or received for any work you see on that site. The site is dedicated to the artists that it promotes and who inspire the words that are created on the site by The Phantom Critic.



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