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Benefits from Looking Good

People are judged by their appearance in most cases, even though this evaluation is unlikely to be 100 percent fair and true. People tend built their opinion about others during the first few minutes of communicating and observing and these very first impressions are hard to disprove even if there are obvious evidences.

So, don’t ignore the fact that opinion about your personality will be primarily formed based on your appearance and manners. Besides, there is a psychological effect called “hallo effect”. The “hallo effect” implies transferring the positive opinion formed during the very first minutes of visualizing him into other aspects of his personality. This effect is able to transform your life and it could be easily achieved by starting looking good or even best.

We have listed the top 10 concrete benefits one can get from having an attractive appearance. These benefits are not the general assumptions, but the scientifically proven data.


Boost salary

According to the latest founding published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, the attractive men are more likely to get premium on salaries, 10 percent upwards in comparison to their colleagues, who cannot boast having attractive appearances regardless the field of activity. So, don’t be lazy to start taking care of your appearance and get richer


Increases the starting salary

Researchers from Fairleigh Dickinson University held an interesting experiment on finding out whether there is a correlation between the cute face and the starting salary. They sent nearly 1,000 resumes to employers asking what starting salary they would offer to different applicants. But, beforehand one half of applicants was given a polished look, while another part remained their natural look. So, in the issue, those applicants with polished appearances were offered 20 percent higher starting salary than mediocre ones.


Gives bigger trustworthiness

Attractive people seem to be more credible and reliable comparing to unattractive ones. A study, performed by the researcher A. G. Miller studying the formation of impression people have on others, defined that appealing people are seeing to behave on their own will and have the sense of purpose in their lives, what gives them a higher credibility in other’s opinion.


Improves the self-confidence

Who is able to stick out in the crowd of other people? Of course a self-confident person. Attractive appearance gives the self-confidence, which others are so drawn to. You don’t have to worry about the way you look anymore and the reflection in the mirror will remind you about it again and again.


Makes a good impression on women

The Maxim’s sex survey published in its April issue was asking a question “What’s the biggest potential turnoff when first meeting a man?” and 36 percent of female respondents answered- bag hygiene. So, an attractive appearance no only means a handsome face and nice clothes, but also other characteristics like fresh breath, ironed clean clothes, nice smelling body and clean hair.


Increases the chance for the second interview

When being selected for the first job interview, the decision is made based on the information written in the resume. As for being invited to the second interview, 90 percent probability depend on your appearance. According to Susan Bixler’s study published in The New Professional Image, 150 employers named the poor personal appearance the main reason for being rejected


Make you more persuasive

It appeared that attractive appearance is more than enough in persuading others and changing people’s minds. Nice appearance has even more effect than a logically proven and stated argument. This phenomenon is often used in ads production. It is unexpected, but people usually tend to grant attractive people with the feature of the independent thinker, whose opinion is beyond any influence.


Intensifies the level others perceive your accomplishments

It is obvious that attractive people and unattractive ones don’t distinguish in the quantity of tasks performing. But the study called “Why Beauty Matters” that was held by two economists, proved that people around perceive the success of these two groups differently. Moreover, people have higher expectations from attractive people and are more likely to overestimate their output.


Makes you happier

This exact benefit is not scientifically studied and proven, but it is obvious that with all the listed above advantages you have a bigger chance to feel happier than any other person with an ordinary appearance. At least, an attractive appearance guarantees to make your life simpler and more fulfilled.


Enlarges your network

No one can argue that networking is affecting one’s career and life path in great way and people with attractive appearance have more chances to expand their both professional and personal network in addition to other benefits. Network enlarging provides with the opportunity to meet new interesting and potentially influential people. The researcher Karen Dion discovered that appealing people are more desirable to build social ties with. So, if you are searching for the wide circle of buddies in friends in various spheres and want to discover the new opportunities with their assistance, try to look the best you can.

Article Source: http://www.mensvanity.com

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